Clink the icon to go to the website.
PBS Kids This site also offers a variety of activities for children with some familiar faces such as Arthur, Clifford, and many others. Starfall This site gives a variety of language arts activities for children. Practice a variety of skills in a variety of subjects. No log in needed. Yahoo Kids This site offers a variety of activities for children. Option C is a website used by HCCS to help parents know about grades, and attendance information. You will need to get your student's username and password to log in. You can ask Mrs. Tobias for your child's username and passwords. The same username and password will be used for your student as long as he/she attends HCCS. Addition practice Subtraction practice Reflex Math is a program to help children improve math fact fluency. You will need a username and password. Practice a variety of math skills on this website. You do not need a username or password. Google Classroom is an online platform that allows teachers to post assignments, see assignments and communicate with students. If your child is absent, or we move to remote learning, assignments will be posted here. Click on the Icon to get to the login page. I will send home a link for you to get login information at the beginning of school.